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Covered Bridge Community News
Notes - Edited by Steve Miyamoto
See New Items - 10/14/2015 
VCBS Annual Fall Meeting Notice - October 5 - 09/11/2019
VCBS Annual Fall Meeting Notice - September 29 - 08/09/2018
VCBS Annual Spring Meeting Notice - April 14 - 03/09/2018
VCBS Annual Fall Meeting Notice - October 21 - 10/21/2017
Paoli Plans To Reopen Damaged Bridge - 08/30/2017
Covered Bridge Tour 2017 - 07/10/2017
In Memory of the Salisbury Station Bridge - 09/22/2016
VCBS Annual Fall Meeting Notice - October 8 - 09/18/2016
VCBS Annual Spring Meeting Notice - May 21 - 05/21/2016
Kentucky's Covered Bridges To Be Showcased - 05/01/2016
Good news for Indiana County, PA bridges - 04/26/2016
The New St. James Road Bridge - 03/06/2016
Codding Hollow Covered Bridge Damaged - 01/03/2016
30 Beautiful Covered Bridges Around the USA - 01/03/2016
Kayaking Along The Battenkill - 10/13/2015
VCBS Annual Fall Meeting Notice - October 3 - 09/21/2015
VCBS 15th Anniversary Celebration - October 3 - 09/21/2015
Richard St. Peter's Summer Visit to Vermont - 09/21/2015
New Connecticut Covered Bridge - Gold Mine Covered Bridge September 13, 2015 - 09/05/2015
Covered Bridges of Switzerland and Austria - Gregor Wenda - 06/13/2015
Hokes Mill Covered Bridge Update - 01/19/2015
Brown Bridge Designated as a National Historic Landmark - 10/02/2014
Coming Soon! New York State Covered Bridges book by Bob and Trish Kane - 09/24/2014
Annual Fall Meeting - October 4, 2014 - 09/18/2014
Whittier Covered Bridge Rehabilitation - 09/14/2014
Keatings Visit Ponte Vechhio - 09/10/2014
Sanborn Bridge Getting National Attention - 01/14/2014
Warren Covered Bridge Rehab Project - 12/07/2013
Brown Bridge Engineering Study - 10/05/2013
Quinlan Bridge Reconstruction Progress - 09/24/2013
Taftsville Bridge Renewed - September 7, 2013 - 09/14/2013
Sanborn Bridge Renovation - 09/07/2013
Sanborn Covered Bridge Collapse Averted - 08/30/2013
The Taftsville Covered Bridge Project - 07/07/2013
John Robertson Covered Bridge Drawings - 06/08/2013
Bartonsville Covered Bridge Opening Day - 01/29/2013
Bartonsville Covered Bridge Opening Ceremony - 01/26/2013
Collected Covered Bridge Articles - Site
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© 2010 Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file updated 09/11/2019