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Sanborn Bridge Renovation
WGN 45-03-02
The Stabilization as of 09/07/2013
To build the "island" upon which the hydraulic jacks could be set to lift the bridge into place for repairs, 20 cubic yards of stone was delivered. Two-thirds to three-quarters of this pile was was used, carried to the river by hand in buckets. |
Two 25 Ton hydraulic jacks were set atop a cribbing built on the "island" exerting 35 to 38 tons of lift, raised the bridge approximately 25 inches to the horizontal. |
A view of the broken chord. |
The downstram truss viewed from the motel end of the bridge. |
View of the cribing from the Route 5 side of the bridge. |
View of the bridge interior: The down stream truss after jacking. The broken section of the upper chord is above the panel just beyond the missing board in the siding. |
View of bridge interior: the upstream truss and the back of the real estate office. |
Note bolster beams. See also the break in the Abutment cap, motel end of bridge. |
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 09/13/2013