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Bartonsville Covered Bridge Gets Repairs
WGN 45-13-11

January 13, 2010 - The Town of Rockingham has invested in new knee braces in their Bartonsville covered bridge. After repeated damage to the Bartonsville bridge, the Town has posted height signs on the road served by the bridge. (For that story, go to "bridgewatchers_nightmare".)
      It is hoped, after these investments, that oversized vehicles will find another route and these recent repairs will be allowed to age a little before replacement becomes necessary again.

Bartonsville Bridge. Photo by Ray Hitchcock January 13, 2010
New knee braces, downstream truss view.
Photo by Ray Hitchcock, January 13, 2010
Bartonsville Bridge. Photo by Ray Hitchcock January 13, 2010
William's River viewed from Bartonsville Bridge.
Photo by Ray Hitchcock, January 13, 2010

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 01/16/2010