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Tour Vermont's Covered Bridges

The book Spanning Time: Vermont's Covered Bridges is organized into fifteen tours. Each tour is complete with maps, commentary on the uniqueness of each bridge, and historic highlights about the towns and villages in which the bridges are found.

Tour 1. Bennington County Bridges; Five bridges from Arlington to Bennington: Bridge-at-the-green, 1852 (pl); Chiselville, 1870 (pl); Henry, 1989 (pl); Paper Mill 1889 (pl); Silk Road c1840 (pl).

Tour 2. The Otter Creek Basin; Twelve bridges from Middlebury to Shrewsbury: Brown, 1880 (pl); Cooley, 1849 (pl); Depot, 1840 (pl); Gorham, 1841 (pl); Halpin, 1824 (pl); Hammond, 1842 (pl); Kingsley, 1836 (pl); Pulp Mill, 1820 (ba); Rutland R.R. 1897 (h); Salisbury Station, 1865 (pl); Sanderson, 1838 (pl); Twin, 1850 (pl).

Tour 3. The Wooden Bridges of Charlotte; Five bridges from lake to hill country: Lake Shore, 1898 (ta); Museum, 1845 (ba); Quinlan, 1849 (ba); Seguin, 1849 (ba); Spade Farm, 1824 (pl).

Tour 4.The Lamoille River and the North Branch; Eleven bridges from Westford to Belvidere: Church Street. 1877 (q); East Fairfield. 1865 (q); Gates Farm. 1994 (ba); Grist Mill, (?) (ba); Jaynes, c1877 (q); Lumber Mill, c1895 (q); Maple Street, 1865 (pl); Montgomery, 1887 (q); Morgan, 1887 (q); Poland, 1887 (ba); Westford, 1837 (ba). To take Tour 4, click here.

Tour 5. The Town of Montgomery; Seven bridges from Montgomery Center to Enosburg: Comstock, 1883 (pl); Creamery, 1883 (pl); Fuller, 1890 (pl); Hectorville, 1883 (pl); Hopkins, 1875 (pl); Hutchins 1883 (pl); Longley 1863 (pl).

Tour 6. Route 100 in Northern Vermont; Six bridges from North Troy to Wolcott: Black River, 1881 (p); Fisher, 1908 (tp); Lord's Creek, 1881 (p); Power House. 1870 (q); Scribner, 1919 (q); School House 1910 (pl).

Tour 7. Crossing the Connecticut; The last three covered bridges over the Connecticut River: Columbia, 1912 (h); Cornish -Windsor, 1866 (tl); Mount Orne, 1911 (h).

Tour 8. The Lyndon Bridges; Six bridges from Lyndon to Danville: Chamberlin, 1881 (q); Greenbanks Hollow, 1886 (q); Millers Run, 1995 (q); Randall, 1865 (q); Sanborn, 1869 (p); School House, 1879 (q).

Tour 9. Route 100 in Central Vermont; Seven bridges from Morristown to Warren: Big Eddy, 1833 (ba); Coburn, 1851 (q); Gold Brook, 1844 (h); Lincoln Gap, 1878 (q); Martin, 1890 (q); Pine Brook, 1872 (k); Red, 1896 (u).

Tour 10. Northfield; Five bridges crossing the Dog River and Tributaries: Moseley, 1899 (k); Newell, 1872 (q); Slaughter House, (?) (q); Station, 1872 (pl); Upper Cox Brook, (?) (q).

Tour 11. The Northern Tributaries of the White River; Nine bridges from Randolph to Chelsea: Cilley, 1883 (mkh); Flint, 1845 (q); Gifford, 1904 (mkh); 1879 (mk); Hyde, 1904 (mk); Johnson, 1904 (mkh); Larkin, 1902 (mk); Mill, 1883 (mk); Moxley, 1883 (q).

Tour 12. Woodstock; Seven Bridges from Thetford to Woodstock: Lincoln, 1865 (p-a); Middle, 1969 (pl); Sayers, (?); (hwa); Smith, 1973 (pl); Taftsville, 1836 (u); Union Village, 1867 (mk); Willard, 1919 (pl).

Tour 13. The Windsor Area; Eight bridges from Hartland to Springfield: Baltimore, 1870 (pl); Bests, 1890 (ta); Bowers, c1919 (ta); Downers, c1840 (pl); Martin's Mill, 1881 (pl); Salmond, 1880 (mk); Smith, 1973 (pl); Stoughton, 1880 (mk).

Tour 14. Rockingham to Grafton; Six bridges between Bartonsville and Grafton: Bartonsville, 1870 (pl); Hall, 1982 (pl); Kidder Hill, 1870 (k); Macmillan, 1967 (s); Victorian Village, 1967 (k); Worrall, 1868 (pl).

Tour 15. The Deep South; Five bridges from Townshend to Newfane: Creamery, 1879 (pl); Green River, 1870 (pl); West Dummerston, 1872 (pl); Williamsville, c1870 (pl).

Legend - Trusses: Burr Arch (ba); Haupt with Arch (hwa); Howe (h); Kingpost (k); Multiple kingpost (mk); Multiple kingpost-half high (mkh); Paddleford (p); Plank Lattice (pl); Pratt-arch (p-a); Queenpost (q); Stringer (s); Tied Arch (ta); Timber Lattice (tl); Town-Pratt (tp); Unique truss (ut); Unknown date (?).

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Joe Nelson
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267

No part of this web site may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the written permission of Joseph C. Nelson
Text Copyright © 1997, Joseph C. Nelson
Photographs Copyright ©, 1997, Joseph C. Nelson
Illustrations Copyright ©, 1997, Joseph C. Nelson
This file updated 12-8-99