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Tunbridge Covered Bridge Fund Raising Projects:

The profits from the sale of these Mill Bridge souvenirs will be used to maintain all of Tunbridge's covered bridges.

A silver pendant replica of the Mill Covered Bridge, designed by a local artisan. Measuring approximately 5/8" by «" and accurately detailed down to the sign over the portal: "One dollar fine . . . ." The pendants are being sold at the Tunbridge Library and at local stores for $30. They are available at state historic sites such as the Coolidge Homestead at Plymouth and other sites around Vermont.

Mill Bridge Pendant-not actual

The pendants are also available by mail: write to Marie Chambers, Strafford Road, Tunbridge, VT 05077. Add five percent sales tax for Vermont residents. Postage is $3.20 for priority mail. 14k Gold pendants, at $145, not yet available, can be ordered.

Tunbridge Covered Bridge Tee-shirts in sizes M - XXXL Emblazoned: TUNBRIDGE, VERMONT, they feature a picture of the Mill Bridge taken from an old color photo. Priced $12 each, plus $2.00 S & H. Order your Tee-shirt through Jackie Higgins, (802) 889-5521 or Attn: Jackie Higgins.

Also available, Tunbridge's Mill Bridge Prints from a watercolor painting donated by celebrated Vermont artist George Lawrence of Tunbridge. The painting is based on a slide by Euclid Farnham. The prints, 8" by 12" are priced $10 each, plus $2.00 S & H. Send your order to: Mill Bridge Fund, 24 The Crossroad, Tunbridge, VT 05077

Tunbridge's Mill Bridge - print of
watercolor by George Lawrence

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Joe Nelson
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file updated July 29, 2000