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The Keatings Explore New Brunswick, Part 8
Urney Bridge, WGN 55-06-19 |
Moore's Mill Bridge, WGN 55-06-16 |
Hi Folks
On Friday, September 25, we decided to spend the day finding as many as possible of the bridges shown on the Sussex regional map that we had not already visited.
The first three bridges are the Urney, Moore's Mill, and McFarlane. Then we drove to St. Martin's, on the Fundy Bay coast
It is an attractive town, with two covered bridges; the Irish River and the Hardscrabble, both within sight of each other. There a replica lighthouse info center. There was a tour bus there with people from all over the US. The info center man explained that cruise ships dock
in St. John and bring people to St. Martin's on tours. He also said it was the only place in the world where two covered bridges could be photographed together. I said: "Actually there is a place in Vermont where you can photograph two covered bridges together (Northfield--see
previous travelogue, this website).
I have attached photos of the info center and both bridges. Next, we went to Darling's Island bridge, two photos, one showing a bypass barrier.
McFarlane Bridge, WGN 55-06-13
Irish River Bridge, WGN 55-11-05
Hardscrabble Bridge, WGN 55-11-06
Hardscrabble Bridge from Irish Bridge
Hardscrabble Bridge with Irish Bridge in background
St. Martin's Info Center
Darling Island Bridge, WGN 55-06-04
Darling Island Bridge and barrier gate.
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 11/10/2009