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The Keatings Explore New Brunswick, Part 12

Heron at Kouchibouguac. Photo by the Keatings
September 28, 2009
Heron at Kouchibouguac
Richibucto Light House. Photo by the Keatings
September 29, 2009
Richibucto Light House

Hi Folks
Continuing on September 28, we also saw a heron at Kouchibouguac. On September 29 we saw the Richibucto Lighthouse on the Northumberland Straight in Richibucto (see photos). I have also attached two photos of the Tom Graham bridge-- both portals.
      On September 30 we left Richibucto, bound for St. John. We stopped along the way to see the Peter Jonah bridge, one of two in New Brunswick with hip/square roof portals. The other is in a private park in Doaktown. I have attached two photos, one side and one portal ,
      We arrived in St. John a little before noon. I took pictures of Liz in front of a replica lighthouse and some comic downtown statues. We checked in to our motel and planned the next day. Liz said she wanted to look at something other than covered bridges and I had a Lighthouse Route pamphlet showing locations of St. John River lighthouses.
      The first place we saw on October 1 was the Bayswater bridge, two photos, side and portal. It is also the last bridge that we saw on this trip. Part 13 will be the conclusion.

Tom Graham Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
September 29, 2009 Tom Graham Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
September 29, 2009
Tom Graham Bridge, WGN 55-05-03.
Tom Graham Bridge.
Peter Jonah Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
September 30, 2009 Peter Jonah Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
September 30 2009
Peter Jonah Bridge, WGN 55-01-07.
Peter Jonah Bridge.
St. John Replica Light House. Photo by the Keatings
September 30, 2009 St. John Statues. Photo by the Keatings
September 30, 2009
Liz & the St. John Replica Light House.
Liz & the St. John Statues.
Bayswater Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
October 1, 2009 Bayswater Bridge. Photo by the Keatings
October 1, 2009
Bayswater Bridge, WGN 55-06-15.
Bayswater Bridge.

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 11/14/2009