
Back to VCBS First Page

Please sign me up or renew my membership
in the VCBS:
(Business, Organization or Municipality please provide
name of contact person)

New Member ___ Renewing ____ Gift ____







Check type of membership you want:
__ Student ($8)    __ Individual ($10)
__ Family ($15)
__ Life-single ($150)    __ Life-couple ($200)
__ Business/Organization/Municipality ($15)
__ Please send my newsletter in PDF format
Check type of donation:
__ Palladio ($2) __ Palmer ($5) __ Hale ($10)
__ Burr ($25) __ Powers ($50) __ Town ($75)
__ Tasker ($100) __ Long ($150)
__ Paddleford ($200) __ Whipple ($250)

I volunteer to participate in the following

__ Adopt-a-bridge __ Newsletter Staff
__ Reporter __Events Committee
__ Historical Committee __ Membership Committee
__ Publicity Committee __ Legislation Watch
All Memberships include quarterly news letter.

Memberships valid to end of current calendar year.

Dues and Donations are used to promote
preservation of Vermont's covered bridges.

Make all checks payable to the Vermont Covered
Bridge Society.

Mail to:
The V.C.B.S., Inc.
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 267
Jericho, VT 05465-0267

Letters to the Society Should Be Addressed To:

The V.C.B.S., Inc.
Attn. Corresponding Scty.
P.O. Box 97
Jeffersonville, VT 05464-0097

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267,

This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The content is the intellectual property of the
Vermont Covered Bridge Society, Inc. and its membership.
This file updated 10/20/2011