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Jay Bridge Celebration in Photos by David Guay
October 14, 2007
Jay Dedication:
On Sunday, October 14, 2007 there was a festive celebration in the little hamlet of Jay, N.Y. I would say over 250 to 300 people showed up to watch the dedication of the new bridge that is named, "The Essex County Emergency Services Volunteer Memorial Bridge," the new park that was built after the covered bridge was put back over the East Branch of the Ausable River. The new park is called, " The Douglas Memorial Park" in honor of two past town supervisors, both from the Douglas family. Then the Jay Covered Bridge (NY-16-01) was dedicated with all the town & county dignitaries present to cut the ribbon.
It was quite an event. There were children singing a song called "This Is America", the local American Legion color guard was there. Many of the volunteer emergency companies were present with their vehicles parked on the new bridge overlooking the festivities. When the new bridge was dedicated, many members of the volunteer emergency companies cut a ribbon that was hanging on the side of the bridge next to a very large American Flag. Students from Holy Name School led everyone on the Pledge of Allegiance. Representatives of the local Catholic, United Methodist and Baptist churches were on hand to each dedicate the new bridge, the new park and the restored covered bridge. The weather was very chilly and cloudy, but not one drop fell to put a damper on this happy occation. The fall foliage was at or near peak, making the surrounding hills & mountains very beautiful.
All in all it was a very nice ceremony, and it looked like everyone who attended had a good time. I know we sure did.
Yours in Bridging,
David & Marikka Guay.
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 10/23/2007