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The Bartonsville Covered Bridge
Rockingham, VT
WGN Number: 45-13-11
Bartonsville Covered Bridge
Bartonsville Covered Bridge
Photo by Joe Nelson © 1997

The Bartonsville Bridge opens at the edge of a railroad right-of-way. It can only be imagined what happened when an uninitiated horse came out of the bridge to meet its first steam locomotive.

Bartonsville Covered Bridge
Bartonsville Covered Bridge Vital Statistics
Town: Rockingham
Location: Lower Bartonsville Road
Crossing: Williams River
Date: 1870
Builder: Sanford Granger
Truss Type: Plank-lattice
Truss Length: 150 feet 10 inches
Bartonsville Covered Bridge Update

On August 28, 2011, Tropical Storm Irene blew through Vermont, sweeping down the Williams River. The storm driven high water cut behind and collapsed the southwest abutment, dropping the 141 year-old Bartonsville Covered Bridge into the surging waters. The fatal moment was caught by the video camera of Sue Hammond. She shared the images with the world.

Rather than a modern concrete and steel span, the townspeople would have their covered bridge back and they have; a bigger, longer, stronger version of what was lost.

Credits: All pictures, information and descriptions are taken from Spanning Time Vermont's Covered Bridges by Joseph C. Nelson ©1997 and the World Guide to Covered Bridges - 1989
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267 This file posted 09/22/2014

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