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The Sayers Covered Bridge
Thetford, VT
WGN Number: 45-09-06
Sayers Covered Bridge
Sayers Covered Bridge
Photo by Joe Nelson © 1997

When the Sayers Bridge is viewed from the top of the falls, the scene is hard to equal. The truss used in the span is a unique adaptation of Herman Haupt's 1839 patent. The mid-stream pier was added in 1963.

Our thanks to the Town of Thetford for allowing the posting of the Vermont Covered Bridge Society Welcome patch. For more information about the Thetford area visit their website at

Sayers Covered Bridge Vital Statistics
Town: Thetford
Location: Tucker Hill Road
Crossing: Ompompanoosuc River
Date: Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Truss Type: Haupt with arch
Truss Length: 129 feet
Credits: All pictures, information and descriptions are taken from Spanning Time Vermont's Covered Bridges by Joseph C. Nelson ©1997 and the World Guide to Covered Bridges - 1989
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267 This file posted 09/22/2014

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