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Covered Spans of Yesteryear
Documenting North America's Lost Covered Bridges
Twin Bridges of Penacook, NH Dick Roy
Collection |
During the summer of 2003 a small group of covered bridge enthusiasts decided to take on the
challenge of creating a list of all covered bridges ever known to exist in the United States and
Canada. Covered Spans of Yesteryear was created to serve this purpose. Although many covered
bridge organizations have been very helpful by providing information, the Covered Spans of
Yesteryear project is not associated with or financially supported by any organization.
John Day Bridge near Astoria, OR Oregon
Highway Comm. Photo |
While there is a considerable amount of information about existing covered bridges, details of
those that are no longer in existence is more difficult to find. The purpose of this project is to
gather the details of those lost bridges into a single location. It is our hope that this site will be
educational, informative and serve as an excellent resource for anyone interested in covered
bridges, past or present.
Possibly Concord NH Dick Roy
Collection |
If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from a state or
county, we certainly welcome your assistance. Methods have been designed to assist you in your
research and also indicate the type of data being recorded for each bridge. Please contact Trish
Kane for more information.
Data can be submitted in a number of ways.
On-line: Go to and click on the link to "Add Data". You will see a
form to enter your bridge information. Note - access to this area requires a password. Contact
Trish for username and password information.
Spreadsheet: An Excel spreadsheet has been
developed to record bridge data. Once
completed, this information can be easily imported directly into our database.
Paper forms: If you do not have a computer or prefer to use a paper form, we have one
available to assist with this project.
Other options: If your information is already in a database or spreadsheet format, contact
Bill Caswell before using the other methods mentioned above. Many forms of electronic data can
be directly imported into the database eliminating the need to retype these details.
Two Bayou Bridge, Camden, Arkansas Built
c1860, lost in the1950's Bill Caswell Collection |
Wouldn't it be great to have pictures of all known covered bridges? That may not be possible, but
with your help we can document many of them There are a number of ways you can help.
Send pictures to be scanned. If you do not have access to a scanner or do not have the
time to do it yourself, send the pictures to Bill Caswell. All pictures will be returned in a timely
manner. Please do not mail rare or unique original photos, only copies. We do not want to risk
them being lost in the mail.
Scan your own. If you scan your own pictures, please put them in a JPEG format at a
minimum resolution of 150 dpi. (300 dpi is preferred.) These images can be emailed to Bill
Caswell or sent to him on a CD.
Please note any known pertinent data about the pictures such as photographer or year taken.
Proper credit will be given to any pictures used on the website.
As we progress with Covered Spans of Yesteryear, we will no doubt come across photos of
bridges that we will not be able to identify. If you would like to try to assist us in this area, we
welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Please visit our website and check out the section
entitled Can You Identify These Bridges? If you recognize any of the photographs shown
there, please let us know. Be sure to check this section often as new, unidentified photos will be
added frequently.
Possibly New Hampshire Dick Roy
Collection |
Any new endeavor will only be as successful as the individuals willing to devote their personal
time and effort to it. Its success, or demise, depends on the combined efforts of covered bridge
enthusiasts and organizations across the United States and Canada. We would like to express our
sincere thanks to those of you who have already assisted with this project by submitting
information and photographs for the site. We have come a long way in a very short period of time
but there is still much work to be done. We appreciate your support.
For more information about this project and how you can help, contact any of the following
Trish Kane (607) 674-9656
Bill Caswell (603) 753-8244
Dick Roy (603) 623-8406
Bill Cockrell (503) 399-0436
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The contents of this file were taken from a lostbridges brochure
Coded by Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted April 24, 2005