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Williamsville Bridge - March 18, 2010
WGN 45-13-05
I had a nice visit with Jim Ligon today at the Williamsville Bridge. Fortunately he came out of the icy work space to greet myself and a friend I brought along. Ice storms and melting snow have made the grounds around the bridge very slippery.
His crew was busy as beavers and seems to be eager to work on the structure. They were working on the siding today. Note that the siding will not extend to the ends until the bridge is in place. Also fitting the bridge to the footings will await getting the bridge in place as it appears that the footings may be a bit different than the preliminary plans.
As truck traffic is posted off the detour route, Jim plans to move aggressively to put the required decking and railings etc on the detour bridge now rather than have to work nights and weekends when traffic is not posted.
Jim reported that he has held off on finishing the roof until they got clearance from the power company that they would lift the wires when it came time to move. He received that clearance today so work can proceed on the roofing. 3" x 12" white oak needs to be installed for the decking. It looks like they are on schedule and things are moving into place.
Jim noted that they will be allowed to start the support structure work at the edge of the river bed earlier than anticipated as they will be working on ledge and will not disturb the river. We have had a good snow melt off this past week with cool nights. Good for maple sugaring too!
-- Ray Hitchcock
Williamsville Bridge with Jim Ligon, Alpine Construction foreman. |
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 03/20/2010