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Preliminary Plans were distributed on September 26, 2006 by Project Manager Wayne Symonds. Accordingly an email was sent to all committee members as follows:

      The Covered Bridge Committee has met twice on this project and the major area of concern was the laid up stone abutment. Preliminary Plans have just been distributed for review within the Agency, to FHWA and to the town. The town has indicated to Wayne Symonds that they plan to have Neil Daniels review the plans on their behalf.
      Minimal impact to the abutment in question is now proposed. It is now proposed that stone fill be placed at the toe of the abutment to increase scour resistance as well as replacing the existing concrete bearings on top of the abutment. They are also proposing that a stone mason be retained to evaluate the necessity for some minor repairs and chinking. This is in keeping with the town's desires.

Proposed superstructure replacements are as follow:

  • New ridge beam
  • New roof sheathing
  • Approx. 13% of rafters
  • Approx. 8% of tie beams
  • Approx. 13% of upper cross braces
  • Approx. 65% of knee braces
  • Approx. 6% of the upper top chord
  • Approx. 13% of the lower top chord
  • Approx. 21 % of the lattice members
  • Approx. 22% of the upper bottom chord
  • New lower bottom chord
  • New cross bracing
  • New bolster beams, blocking and bedding timbers
  • New portal frame and siding
  • New fascia and soffit board and nailers
  • New roof returns and cornices
  • New floor beams - same size - restoration to original spacing
  • New glulam deck
  • New deck edge boards

      In that no significant concerns had been relayed to the superstructure and the replacements appear to be in keeping with other projects, I am writing to inquire if it is felt that we need to meet again or instead summarize the above in a memorandum and leave it to Scott to make the final determination on the details in his Section 106 review process. Please advise of your thoughts by the end of the week so that continued progress can be made. Thank you very much.
      No concerns with the proposed treatments to the bridge have been raised by committee members as of this date, October 13, 2006 nor has anyone expressed a desire to meet. Therefore, the project manager will be apprised that the covered bridge committee does not have to have any further involvement and instead, final design details will be worked out between the project manager and the Agency's Historic Preservation Officer.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Scribner
Chair, Historic Covered Bridge Committee

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 11/16/2008