Touring Switzerland with the Keatings
Part 4
Dorflibrucke S-06-62 |
Dorflibrucke S-06-62 |
Cows by Dieboldswil Bridge |
Aeschau Bridge S-06-15 |
Hi Folks
Sunday, May 2 was a free day. Carl and Jan led separate groups on trips into the mountains
around Interlaken. Liz and I decided to go on a covered bridge hike. I acquired the directions for
this hike from the moderator of this website, Joe Nelson, and Liz and I both thank him. We
explained to Carl what we wanted to do. He got out two very big books--timetables for the Swiss
rail and postbus systems respectively. Our hike was from Eggiwil to Emmenatt. Carl laid out our
personal timetable from Interlaken:
7:42 bus to Interlaken Ost Bahnhof
7:56 train to Bern
9:12 train to Signau on the S-bahn
9:48 bus to Eggiwil (It turned out that there was no 9:48 on Sunday--waited until 10:18) Swiss
guarantee one train per hour and 1 bus per hour. All these bridges are in Bern canton. The bus
driver studied my Swiss rail/bus pass a long time. I'm not sure, but I don't think that he sees too
many of them.
All the bridges were over the Emme river, except Dorfli, SZ 06-62, over the RothenBrook, in
Eggiwil. There are two photos of Dorfli, One in shade, and one in sun (taken from opposite sides
of the bridge).
Next came the Dieboldswil bridge, SZ 06-17, also two photos and a bonus photo of cows
next to this bridge with traditional Swiss cowbells. The Aeschau bridge, SZ 06-15 is next. All
bridges had a sign, with diagrams showing construction details. The signs were in German. All of
the bridges also had a number. We missed the Brunnmatt Bridge--you had to leave the roadway
on what the hiking directions called an "adventure trail." We saw 1 footpath, called a "Wander
Weg", but did not see a covered bridge and passed it by. Of the 8 bridges on the hike, we found 5.
The final two are Bubenbrucke, SZ 06-14 and Hornbenbrucke, SZ 06-16. By this time, we were
hot, tired, and sunburned (85 degrees this day), and elected to get on the postbus at Schupbach,
back to Signau. The guy with the orange backpack in the Bubenbrucke picture is me.
So much for our hike in the Emme river valley (Emmenthal= valley of Emme) where they
make the famous cheese. Cows were everywhere. Sometimes the smell was pretty strong.
Bubenbrucke S-06-14
Hornbenbrucke S-06-16
Dieboldswil Bridge S-06-17
Dieboldswil Bridge S-06-17