rockingham_bw_120715 [WGN 45-13-11] January 26, 2013 - Ray Hitchcock, Vermont Covered Bridge Society Area Bridge Watch Chair attended the Bartonsville Bridge opening ceremony representing the Society. I made the chilly but nice opening ceremonies, checked with Sue Hamond and talked with Governor Shumlin. He said the VCBS is doing a great job. [WGN 45-13-11] Bartonsville, VT, January 1, 2013
Bartonsville, VT, December 22, 2012
Bartonsville, VT, November 17, 2012
Bartonsville, VT, October 30, 2012
Bartonsville, VT, October 23, 2012
July 15, 2012, Bartonsville Covered Bridge:From Rockingham minutes: Cullenen reported that Phil Pierce of CHA has been meeting with the contractor to get the required materials ordered and everything is moving forward on schedule. Paul Petraska stated that he has some information that may be useful. Peter Golec requested that Petraska email this information to him and he will see that it gets to the correct parties. Sue Hammond noted that the Vermont Preservation Trust received donations for the Bridge and asked if the Town had received these. Cullenen will look into this. Cullenen also noted that there will be a meeting scheduled with the bridge committee to schedule an event on the anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene and the progress of the new bridge. July 3, 2012, Worrall Covered Bridge: Rockingham Selectboard Meeting - Page 6: b) Cullenen reported that the bridge is completed and open and was covered by the insurance.