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July - August - September - Summer 2005

National Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges

David W. Wright, President
P.O. Box 171
Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 722-4040
Christine Ellsworth
Corresponding Secretary
44 Cleveland Ave.
Worcester, MA 01603
(508) 756-4516
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed.
P.O. Box 398026
Cambridge, MA 02139
E-mail: croses@hotmail.com
Send dues to:
Pauline Prideaux
Membership Chairperson
4856 Spencers Oaks Blvd
Pace, FL 32571
E-mail: sanibel93@aol.com
Richard Roy
73 Ash Street
Manchester, NH 03104-4906
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed.
P.O. Box 425193
Cambridge, MA 02142
E-mail: klingensmith@ilp.mit.edu

David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707 Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 239-433-1551;
May thru Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805, 207-596-7472

MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2005

Sunday, July 24 Meeting will be held at the Contoocook Railroad Bridge, Hopkinton, NH. We will have lunch at noon before the meeting at the pizza place next to the bridge.

Sunday. August 28 Annual picnic in Westminster, VT. Cookout at noon, meeting at l pm.

Sunday. September 25 at 1 pm Henniker, NH at the covered bridge on the NE College campus. We may be joined by the Henniker Historical Society and representatives from the college.

Sunday. October 16 NSPCB Annual Meeting at the French King Restaurant in Millers Falls, MA. See last page of newsletter for dinner reservation coupon and more information.


The next newsletter is scheduled for October 2005. Therefore, anyone wishing to submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela or KC by September 20, 2005. Any newspaper or magazine articles must include source information and details (such as name of publication, date, etc.). Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU!

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Dear Fellow Members, Greetings:

At this time of year, it is my task to remind each and every one of you that, in principle, your membership in the National Society expires with the current issue of Topics and the Newsletter. I have said 'in principle,' because some of you like to pay in advance, as it were: some of you in other words like to sign up for several years at a stretch. For the rest of us, however, it is the moment to rejoin, and in this particular context, please permit me to express the fervent hope that most of you shall choose to remain with the Society. The Society needs all of you, of course, and most especially, our Covered Bridges need you! As I have often remarked before, there is much strength to be had in numbers.

Also, at this time of year, I want to appeal to all of you who are in a position to be able to, to make as large a contribution to our Eastrnan- Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge Preservation as you can. Please remember, when reflecting upon whether or not to donate, some of our recent successes, successes made possible because of the existence of the Eastman-Thomas Fund: for example, 1) by the end of August, the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge in Hopkinton, New Hampshire, shall have been stabilized, its geometry corrected -- it is currently a little bit out of square - and the span itself shall by then have been placed on restored corbels and bed timbers, and 2) by the same date, the hardware of the arsoned Wooden Pony Truss Railroad Bridge at Gorham, New Hampshire, plus this span's floor joists, shall have been salvaged and stored in a safe location, which fact will permit of future reconstruction of the structure, if only sufficient funds can some day be raised for that specific purpose.

Finally, on a somewhat different but by no means unimportant subject, the National Society is presently looking for a volunteer to take over selling postcards for us. You see, our membership Chairman Pauline Prideaux, is, as most of you may already know, moving to Florida. Amongst the many things Pauline Prideaux has done for the Society over the years is the selling of our postcards. Since the Prideauxs will be living in smaller quarters down in Florida, Pauline has asked to be relieved of this responsibility. As the profits from the sale of our postcards are turned over to the Eastman-Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge Preservation, it is much in the interest of the Society -- and of our Covered Bridges! -- that these sales should continue. Any member wishing to help the Society out by taking over where Pauline has left off, please contact me at Post Office Box 171 , Westminster, Vermont 05158-0171, or by telephone at 1-802-722-4040. Transferring our stock of postcards would be made easier if whoever volunteers for this job were to live a reasonable car trip distance away from Westminster.

Until the next time then, Happy Bridging.

Sincerely, Your President

David W. Wright,
President, National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Incorporated

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Spanning New York State
Covered Bridge News

By Bob and Trish Kane

Rensselaer/Washington Counties

Buskirk Covered Bridge -- NY 32-42-02/58-04 The Buskirk Covered Bridge is once again standing tall and proud thanks to the combined efforts of Willie Grimmke, Superintendent of Public Works of Washington County and the Alpine Construction Company from Stillwater, NY and countless other individuals involved in the rehabilitation of this bridge. Congratulations and a big thank you goes out to each of you for saving yet another one of our covered bridges. The Buskirk covered bridge opened to traffic once again on April 1, 2005.

During a recent trip to Vermont we stopped by to see the bridge and were very impressed! As you can see by the photos, this bridge looks magnificent now and even more important, it is safe for traffic. There is a weight restriction on the bridge that we certainly hope will be adhered to. The day we visited you could tell the bridge had just recently been painted, except for the white trim. Congratulations to Willie Grimmke and the Alpine Construction Company for their excellent work on this bridge.
Buskirk Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane, May 14, 2005 Buskirk Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane, May 14, 2005
Buskirk Bridge 32-42-02/58-04
Photo by Bob & Trish Kane, May 14, 2005
Buskirk Bridge 32-42-02/58-04
Photo by Bob & Trish Kane, May 14, 2005

Beyond New York

Other news
Alabama -- It isn't often I can report news on our covered bridges in the south, and now that I can, it is only to report the loss of one. The Salem-Shotwell Covered Bridge (AL 01-41- 04) in east Lee County, Alabama collapsed on Saturday June 4, 2005. A tree fell on a portion of the bridge Friday evening and then around 1:00 pm Saturday, the entire bridge fell into Wacoochee creek leaving the bridge in total ruins.

Canada -- A new book! Les ponts couverts au Quebec. The first complete book about wooden covered bridges in Quebec. This book is a Quebec's Department of Transportation project however, most of the book was written by Gerald Arbour, former President of Quebec's Covered Bridge Society. You can order by calling this toll free number 1-888-746-2283, ext. 227. Please use this ISBN number when ordering: 2-551-19636-1. Congratulations, Gerald!

Indiana -- By now you have all heard of the terrible loss of the Bridgeton Covered Bridge in Parke County Indiana on April 28, 2005 due to arson. What a terrible shame . Jesse Payne was formally charged in Parke County Circuit Court of two charges of arson. Charge #1: Arson Class B Felony of the Bridgeton Bridge. Charge #2: Attempted Arson Class B Felony of the Mansfield Bridges. His sentence could be 6-20 years for each count with a $10,000 bond. If you would like to follow what is happening in this case, as well as the rebuilding of the Bridgeton Covered bridge, visit this web site often: http://www.coveredbridges.com/home.htm

Pennsylvania -- We all know one of the best ways to preserve our covered bridges is to educate our children about their historical significance, and teacher Tom Rosencrans of the Priestley Elementary School in Northumberland, PA is doing just that. During a recent visit by his fifth-grade class to the Keefer Station Covered Bridge, Tom assured his students that there was plenty to study besides the messages scrawled by vandals on the historic structure. The field trip was intended to give students an up-close look at the architecture of the bridge as part of a unit on covered bridges developed by Tom through the Partners in History program. The Partners in History program is a professional development program for 15 teachers developed by the State Museum of Pennsylvania in partnership with the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit. Teachers complete an orientation day at the intermediate unit, a two-day symposium at the museum and a week's residence at the museum. The teachers then create curriculum activities using objects and documents from the museum's Pennsylvania history collection. For covered bridges, Tom used correspondence written by bridge designer Theodore Burr. Weeks before they traveled to see the covered bridge, the pupils began learning how they were built by building model bridges. Wouldn't it be super if we could get programs of this type in all our schools! Our children would certainly come away with a better understanding of just how important our covered bridges are and hopefully, have a greater appreciation for them. Thanks, Tom!

Virginia - Leola Pierce is at it again! This lady just doesn't quit when it comes to Virginia's Covered Bridges. Leola just finished her second book, Covered Bridges in Virginia -- Nine Old Ladies in the Slow Lane! You can order this book on line at: www.authorhouse.com. Please use this ISBN number when ordering: 1-4208-3998-5. Congratulations, Leola!

Update on Covered Spans of Yesteryear Project
By Bill Caswell, Webmaster for CSOY Project

On May 7th, we had the honor of offering a presentation at the Vermont Covered Bridge Society's Annual Meeting in Lyndonville. The program began with a description the Covered Spans of Yesteryear project followed by pictures and stories of covered bridges lost in the 1927 flood.

       Since our last update, our knowledge of Oregon structures has been enhanced tremendously thanks to research provided by Bill Cockrell of the Covered Bridge Society of Oregon. The website now includes 638 covered bridges for that state. When you get a few moments, be sure to visit the website (www.lostbridges.org) and see our progress to date.

       If you live in Vermont or will be traveling in the area during late June, consider a stop at the Vermont History Expo in Tunbridge during the weekend of June 25 & 26. We will be sharing a booth with the Vermont Covered Bridge Society and showing pictures of long gone Vermont bridges. For more information about the expo, see their website - http://www.vermonthistory.org/expo/

His Work Bridges Art and Engineering
Walter Carlson's lovingly crafted models grace museums across New England.
by By Field Editor Linda Rinta, West Wareham, Massachusetts

WHEN Walter Carlson taught high school carpentry classes, he had his students build models of houses when they couldn't work outside in the winter. Little did he suspect that model building might one day help save his life.
       "Back in 1995 and '96, I had chemotherapy once a week for 14 months," he remembers. "It made me so sick, I didn't even know if I wanted to go on. The doctor said I needed to find something I loved to do and asked me, "Did you ever think about building models of covered bridges?"
       "It's funny, because I'd always built models of houses. And I had hundreds of pictures of covered bridges my wife and I had taken through the years. But I never thought about putting the two together."

Therapy Bridge

       Once he did, there was no stopping him. He fought through chemotherapy and has gone on to complete more than 40 exact replicas of historic covered bridges.
       Walter's first "therapy bridge" was a scale model of the Cilleyville Bog Bridge in Cilleyville, New Hampshire. With help from his brother John, he took pictures of the bridge and developed plans. Over hundreds of hours, Walter re-created the bridge from scratch. Ironically, while the original bridge has fallen into disrepair, Walter's model is still lovingly displayed in museums and shows throughout New England and Florida.
       It's hard to believe the amazing detail he puts into each replica until you see it with your own eyes. Walter starts with actual blueprints when he can get them. He usually scales everything to 1 inch per foot, except for the bridge's length, which he shortens to « inch per foot.
       Then he cuts cedar trees from his back yard in the country near Raynam, Massachussetts and mills the fragrent wood into miniature beams, planks and shingles. And finally, he pegs them together with hundreds of wooden pegs, or trunnels.
       When he's done, the scale models are nearly perfect in every detail.
Historic Landmark

       Walter says his most ambitious project to date was the Slate Bridge in Swanzy, New Hampshire. Built in 1842, the historic landmark was destroyed by fire in1993. His precision model became a focal point in the fund-raising campaign to rebuild it.
       Working from the blueprints, Walter put more than 200 hours of meticulous handcraft into a 7-foot-long, 2-foot-high replica. "It took me 13 hours just to cut the roof shingles," he says. "There are 4,560 of them."
       When he finally finished his model after 3 months of work, it toured for 18 months as part of the fund-raising effort. "after all the research I did, I felt like I got to personally know the old bridge and its stories," he says.
       So it was with a great sense of triumph that Walter and his wife Virginia, visited Swanzy during reconstruction and took part in the dedication ceremony as the "historic" new bridge reopened to traffic.
       "After that, one museum after another heard about me and wanted a model. I've been busy ever since," Walter adds.
Walter Carlson. Photo by Paul Robinson
       He built replicas of the Drewsville Bridge on the Vermont/New Hampshire border; Meade Bridge in Proctor, Vermont, Keniston Bridge in Andover, New Hampshire; Clarkes' Trading Post Bridge in North Woodstock, New Hampshire; Twin Silos Bridge in Wilmington, Vermont; and the Fairway Bridge in Hopington, New Hampshire to name a few.
       Walter carries his bridges with him to Florida in the winters and has won ribbons at artisan shows in Sarasota.
       One of only a few covered bridge model makers in the country, he's an active member of the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. In his lectures at schools, churches and civic organizations, he expresses concern over the rate at which vandalism and neglect are destroying historic bridges.
       So he's doing everything he can to save his rickety old friends. After all, they did the same for him.

[Country Extra, March 2005. Reprinted with permission from Country Extra magazine.]

Covered Bridge Manual available

NOTICE: Covered Bridge Manual -- in print and available for free. As noted previously herein, Phil Pierce, Consulting Engineer and covered bridge specialist, and his team, have completed preparation of the new manual for the Federal Highway Administration. With major focus on the engineering and construction of covered bridges, it also includes diverse information and should be a good reference for anyone interested in covered bridges. To request your free copy, write to John O'Fallon at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, FHWA, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101 or send an email to John.O'Fallon@fhwa.dotgov

Release Seminar

A one-day seminar will be held in Indianapolis on August 2m regarding the release of the Covered Bridge Manual. Information will be forth coming. Advance information may be obtained by emailing Keith Hoernschemeyer of the Federal Highway Administration (keith.hoernschemeyer@ fhwa.dotgov) who is coordinating the event

The Building of a Covered Bridge Model
by Richard H. Martin

What does it take to build a model of a covered bridge? A lot of patience and, of course, knowledge of the construction along with photographs of details helps.

I built this model (see photo below) out of what we call sugar pine (balsam fir). It is a soft wood and easy to work with. It bonds good with glue, which absorbs into the wood.
Richard Martin. Photo by Duane Locke

The scale which I used was 1/2 inch to the foot which makes it an easy scale to work with. The model is 22" x 8" at the floor line and 12" high over-all. The model represents a 44-foot span.

I chose multi-king post with a burr arch -- I've photographed many of them. It was one of my favorite constructions. The Zacke Cox Bridge, Parke Co. Indiana (14-61-11) is one of them. Each rafter and king post was put in a jig so they were exact size. The flooring is laid cross-wise of flooring joist.

The roof boards are splayed apart similarly to when they were used for wooden shingles. The boards run length-wise of the bridge.

What to use for shingles? I picked up a piece of Formica counter-topping: There was my answer. The Formica was dark brown on the underside which makes the shingle look natural.

Each shingle was cut 3/4" long and 3/8" wide. The Formica was 1/16" thick. With the help of Elmer's Glue, I glued all 1480 shingle (count them if you can!) on the roof board. I used a headline to keep the rows straight. At first, I laid the shingle even at the bottom edge. It didn't look right so I staggered every-other shingle 1/32" of an inch. They look more natural.

For wooden (tree-nails) I used round tooth picks, bored a hole the size of the tooth picks, glued the tooth picks and inserted in the hole. With the aid of a side shaper, I cut each end off almost flush then sanded off rough edges to give a natural look.

If I were to build a real covered bridge where would I build it? What would I name it? The answer -- two miles east of Tyner, Indiana in Polk Township, Marshall Co. The comer of my father's farm was four comers. 100-feet north ofthe comer was a type of steel bridge, another bridge was 200' east, and two more were 1/8 mile and another 1/4 mile south. All 4 bridges were painted black. Thus the community became known as "black bridge comers." Thus the name of the model. The bridges span Pine creek.

The first bridge was at the comer of my father's farm. As a lad, I use to play around these bridges. The steel bridges are long gone. Replaced by concrete bridges today.

If I were to build a real bridge, I'd build it at the four comers, thus the name "black bridge comers."

I started this model in 1972. I tell people I have $5 worth of material and 500 hours "labor of love."

I never got around to putting siding on the model. I kind of like looking at the side view construction. Now at age 93-years-old, my eyes are getting dim with age so it will be my unfinished work.

So..I say to the covered bridge Society, see you down the road at the next bridge! Photo by Duane Locke.


Both are now available on computer diskette in either Mac or PC format. Please specify your choice. It is in a compressed format to fit on a PC computer disc. You must have Zip Software to decompress it. If you do not have the Zip software, Joe will send you a copy. The TOPICS index includes: Table of Contents for each issue, an index to subjects and authors, as well as more. The World Guide is kept up-to-date and in the regular format. Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph Cohen, 130 Westfield Drive, Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until mid-September. The rest of the year he can be reached at 210 Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417.

Book's Bridge. Photo by George Eysenbach, March 2005 Book's Bridge. Photo by George Eysenbach, March 2005
Book's Bridge. Photo by George Eysenbach, March 2005 Book's Bridge. Photo by George Eysenbach, March 2005

Book's Bridge a.k.a. the Kaufman Covered Bridge. Photos by George Eysenbach, March 2005. The bridge is a mile west of Blain on Three Springs Road in Jackson Twp and celebrated its re-opening in October 2004.

Alfred E.Brigham Obituary

Dick Roy reports that another of our valued members, Alfred E. Brigham, has crossed the portal to the unknown. Al became a member in the early 1960s, probably in 1962. If this is the case, he would have been a member for 43 years. This is before even June & Dick Roy became members in 1964. We want to thank his daughter Nancy for passing along the information. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

File Cleaning

The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 6, 2005, Two Men Get Prison for Bridge Blaze. Two young men must each pay $35,000 each, serve several months in prison, and perform community service for burning a hole in the Knecht's Covered Bridge in Springfield Township on August 31, 2004.

The Eagle, March 31, 2005, The Historic Buskirk Bridge will Open for Traffic. Following an inspection of the bridge, the Superintendent of Public Works for Washington County announced that the reconstructed Buskirk Bridge was scheduled to re-open to traffic on Friday, April 1.

Opelika-Auburn News, June 5, 2005, Salem-Shotwell Covered Bridge Collapses. The 75-foot bridge which crossed the Wacoochee Creek collapsed and completely fell into the creek after a tree had fallen on it.

Winteset Madisonian, Iowa, March 30, 2005, Forest Service Grant to Monitor Covered Bridge. Fiber optic lines, infrared and ultraviolet camera systems and a flame detector are being considered to be installed in hidden recesses of the Cedar Bridge. This high- tech remote security monitoring system is designed to notify officials in case of a problem.

The Hartford Courant, June 3, 2005, State Promises Speedy Bridge Repairs. The Comstock Covered Bridge, built in 1791, is scheduled to be repaired and re-opened to visitors by July 4th. The bridge which spans the Salmon River, has been closed to pedestrians since March 16 after structural problems were found.

Tribune-Star,Indiana, May 13, 2005, Suspect Charged in Arson of Bridge. Jesse L. Payne is accused of setting fire to the historic Bridgeton Covered Bridge, built in 1868, during the early morning hours of April 28. He is also accused of attempting to bum the Mansfield Covered Bridge the same day.

CONTRIBUTORS: George Eysenbach, Dick Wilson, Bill Caswell, James Crouse, Andy Howard.

Bridgeton CB fire photo by Cathy Harkrider, May 28, 2005
The Remains of Bridgeton Covered Bridge. Photo by Cathy Harkrider.


This will be your last Topics/Newsletter. When you read this notice and see (05) on the mailing label, it means that your dues are due. If (05) does not show up then you are paid through June 2006. Please look at the following information and write me a note with your renewal. Please be prompt, if possible, in order that Topics and the Newsletter be delivered by bulk mail process. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
                                          Pauline Prideaux


Please print your name and address as you wish it to appear on our records and on your mailing label.



City________________________State_____________Zip Code________

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Annual membership (family or individual)
all living at the same address
Canadian Postage Supplement
European Postage Supplement
Student Membership
Single Life Membership
Mr. & Mrs. Life Membership
Corporate Membership


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Portal Contribution
Kingpost Contribution
Queenpost Contribution
Howe Truss Contribution
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Burr Truss Contribution
Town Lattice Contribution
Haupt Truss Contribution
Whipple Truss Contribution


Pauline Prideaux
4856 Spencers Oaks Blvd
Pace, FL 32571

Every year over $1,000 is remitted towards the Harold F. Eastman Fund from Optional Donations. Please help keep the fund afloat for Bridge Preservation.


We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges.

Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front pocket measuring 12 1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20" handle straps. Available for $15 including shipping

Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3" round glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available for $7 including shipping

Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges - N.S.P.C.B." written on them. Available for $1.25 including shipping.

BWBAG glass ball 7 pen

You may want to have them all. One of each tote, ornament and pen will be available for $20 including shipping. They are great gifts for family, friends and other bridgers. We have a limited supply, so please order yours today.


Pauline Prideaux
4856 Spencers Oaks Blvd
Pace, FL 32571

The following are items still available through the Society: All of the items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail dickroycb1@verizon.net

The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available for $16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling.
Society Arm Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55 cents P&H.

Books Available by Andrew Howard:

CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50
CBs of Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50
CB's of Virginia, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95
CB's of Bennington County VT, A Guide . . . $6.50
CB's of Massachusetts, A Guide . . . . . . . . . .$7.00
There is a $2.00 postage and handling charge for each book.

Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B. Logo.

For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00 plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify, Medium or Extra Large. This is a fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several as gifts for your family and friends. Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk cotton.

Other available books from the Society Store

Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996. Postpaid $17.00 (From June Roy)

There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges called, "Spanning Time -- Vermont's Covered Bridges." You can get a copy by contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT 05489 or visit www.vermontbridges.com. Joseph Nelson is the President of the Vermont Society.

New book by Joseph Conwill: Images of America, "VERMONT COVERED BRIDGES." It sells for $19.99 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

A DVD: "Spanning Time: America's Covered Bridges"

A television documentary on covered bridge culture, issues and restoration is currently being made available to members at a cost of $24.00 including postage and handling. The Treasurer has reviewed the DVD and assures you that it is of excellent quality and interest. This DVD prominently features the society's president, David W. Wright.

Please send your check payable to NSPCB to: David A. Topham, NSPCB Treasurer, 45 Village Way #50, Rockport, ME 04856

Sunday, October 16, 2005 at 12:00 noon

This is the Annual Meeting and is being held on October 16th at the French King Restaurant on Route 2 in Millers Falls, MA. See dinner reservations and application below.

The French King Restaurant is located at the east end of the French King Bridge. The well known landmark carries Massachusetts Rout,e 2 over the Connecticut River near Millers Falls, at a very picturesque spot. The dinner will be served at 12:00 noon and meeting will follow at 1 :00 P.M.

Our speaker this year is still To Be Announced.

Cut off here or reproduce and send along with your check or money order.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dinner Reservation coupon for October 16,2005 annual meeting. To be returned with payment as designated below. Please return no later than October 10. 2005.

_____Whole Boneless Breast of Chicken
_____with stuffing and gravy. . . . . . . . .$19.95
_____ Yankee Pot Roast. . . . . . . . . . .. .$19.95
_____ Baked Haddock au Gratin. . . . .. $19.95
_____ Fisherman Casserole. . . . . . . . . . $19.95

Name ____________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________


Telephone _________________________________________________

Send to:
Carmela Sciandra
P.O. Box 398026
Cambridge, MA 02139

Make checks payable to N.S.P.C.B. Inc.

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The content is the intellectual property of the
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership.
This file posted August 9, 2005