Martin Bridge {WGN 45-12-06]
Moved by Renaud Construction Company, the bridge stands near its abutments awaiting
repairs Photos by Joe Nelson, June 2, 2004 |
"X" bracing installed to reenforce structure to allow
bridge to be lifted. |
All four of the lower chord ends are
rotted. |
A view of the cut stone
abutments. |
Marshfield's Martin Bridge Removed from River
Marshfield, Vt., May 18, 2004 - The 114-year old Martin Bridge was lifted from
over the Winooski River and set down in the adjacent field for renovation. The work was done by
the Renaud Brothers Construction Company.
The Town of Marshfield is seeking grants to fund the
renovation of the bridge. Land sales by the town may also be used to help fund the work.
Charles Thorndike, of New Hampton, N.H., gave the
town of Marshfield the 120 acre property, valued at $87,200, in exchange for the $1,300 he
owed in school taxes. The selectboard agreed to the deal. (For details, click on "Marshfield
Makes a Bridge Deal" above.)
The Martin Bridge, also known as the Orton Bridge,
is in very poor condition and probably would not have survived many more years without
intervention. John Weaver, PE, Bridge-watch Coordinator for the Vermont Covered Bridge
Society, after reading about the gift of the Martin Bridge to the town: "Marshfield Makes
a Deal", in the Barre-Montpelier Times Argus, contacted the Marshfield
selectboard and volunteered to evaluate the bridge at no cost. (Click on "Martin Bridge
Inspected" above)
The World Guide to Covered Bridges, published by
the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, lists the Martin Bridge as number
45-12-06, built in 1890, 45 feet long using the queen post truss, located one mile north of the
main intersection in Plainfield, on US2.
*The Town of Marshfield was granted to the
Stockbridge Indian Tribe by the General Assembly of Vermont in 1790. The Indians intended to
settle here, but after white settlements were founded around their town, they sold it to Captain
Isaac Marsh of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The Indians moved on to the then unsettled forests of
New York.
William Martin was an early settler of Marshfield. He
bought a farm about a mile north of Plainfield Village and resided there until 1840. His farm was
reputed to be one of the finest on the headwaters of the Winooski River. The Ortons bought the
old Martin place and gave it their name for a time.
The Martin Bridge, or Orton Farm Bridge, crosses the
Winooski River in a pasture south of Route 2. Built in 1890, it is believed by some to be the last
surviving example of the work of Herman F. Townsend.
The forty-five-foot queenpost truss structure is
privately owned, serving as access to property isolated by the river. It stands high on abutments of
cut granite and rubble stone laid dry. A cattle gate is hinged at one of the queenposts.
[*Short history adapted from Spanning Time: Vermont's Covered Bridges, by Joseph C.