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The Keatings Tour California - Part 4
General Sherman Tree Sign |
Liz at General Sherman Tree, Sequoia National Park |
Hi Folks
On Monday, June 9, we left for Stoney Creek Lodge, on the Generals
Highway, between Kings Canyon and Sequoia Natioanal Parks. I have
attached photos of myself on the "John Muir Rock" where he had picnics
when visiting Hetch Hetchy valley, and Liz in front of Roaring River
falls, both in Kings Canyon National Park
On June 10 we visited Sequoia National Park, Liz by cool sign,
General Sherman tree sign, explaining that it is the largest in the
world, and Liz in front of General Sherman tree.
On June 11, we drove
to the southern part of Sequoia National Park and stopped at Tunnel Rock, which
used to be part of the South Entrance road. I also took a
picture of Liz driving our car thru the tunnel tree, which had fallen
across the road.
On June 13, we flew home out of Fresno, Ca. the
nearest major airport to Kings Canyon National Park. Actually, it was a regional
airport, as we had to fly to San Francisco,then to Chicago, then to Buffalo.
There have been several forest fires in California in the areas that
we visited since we left. One closed the coastal highway near Big Sur.
There have been others near Yosemite, the most recent bewteen Mariposa
and the west/valley entrance to Yosemite. According to news reports, it
is burning on both sides of the Merced river-- where I rafted. Power to
the valley part of Yosemite has been cut off, because of the fire. On
July 29, the 140 route into the valley was closed. Visibility in the
valley is severely reduced.
Liz at Roaring River Falls,
Kings Canyon National Park
Liz at Sequoia National Park Sign
Liiz at Tunnel Rock
Tom at John Muir Rock
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 10/15/2008