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After Tropical Storm Irene in New York
in Photos

by Bob & Trish Kane
Blenheim Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
Blenheim Bridge - NY-48-01
So sad . . .
Blenheim Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
9/28/2011 Blenheim Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane

Tuscarora Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
Tuscarora Bridge - NY-13-05
Bridge is totally gone. All that remains is the deck. Not sure if they plan to rebuild or not.
Tuscarora Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
9/28/2011 Tuscarora Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane

Mill Brook Bridge - NY-56-06
We were lucky with this one. The bridge beside this one caught most of the debris which saved this bridge . . . but barely!
Mill Brook Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
9/28/2011 Mill Brook Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane

Halls Mills Bridge - NY-53-01
We could easily lose this one! Much of the stone abutment has been washed away.
Hall's Mills Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
9/28/2011 Hall's Mills Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane

Forge Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
Forge Bridge - NY-56-02
Donna Freeland spoke with Kingdon Gould and he plans to repair his bridge.
Forge Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane
9/28/2011 Forge Bridge. Photo by Bob & Trish Kane

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 09/29/2011