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Hutchins Bridge Reconstruction Progress - September 14
WGN 45-06-07
West end view of the replaced outside members of the upper chords of the south, or upstream truss. Note the original fabric at the west end and center of the span. |
East end view of the replaced outside member of the upper chords of the south, or upstream truss. |
Detail view of replaced upper chords on the south truss. |
Detail view of the replaced upper chord at the west end of the south truss. |
A view of the west portal. The backwall and wingwalls are cast, cured, and backfilled. Note the replaced north side end post and the repaired south side end post. That is a new bolster beam in the right foreground. |
Interior view from the west end. |
Inside view of the south truss upper chords. Note that only the outside members of the upper chords required replacement. The interior members remain as original fabric. |
Outside view of repairs to the south truss from the east end. |
East portal backwall and wingwalls cast and cured. |
View of the north truss. Photographing the ongoing work on this side of the bridge is difficult due to the scaffolding, terrain, and thick vegetation. |
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 09/16/2009