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Hectorville Covered Bridge Removed (VT-06-
May 26, 2003 - Gone! While surveying the covered bridges a few weeks ago in
Westford, Fairfax, Cambridge and Montgomery, this writer was stunned to see vacant abutments
where Montgomery's Hectorville Bridge has stood since 1899.
Hectorville Bridge, Montgomery Center. Photo by
Joe Nelson, May, 1995 |
According to the Town Clerk the bridge had been
taken down sometime in October, 2002. It's trusses and roof have been put into storage. The
town had hired a consultant three years ago to advise them on the condition of the bridge, and the
Select Board has been considering action.
Last fall, the consultant*
advised the town that the bridge was unlikely to survive heavy snows and the bridge was taken
down. While the bridge is owned by the town, The Montgomery Historical Society is very much
involved in preserving the bridge.
A Select Board meeting is scheduled in late June to
decide what is to be done with the bridge. Relocation at a new site on the town walking path
beside the Trout River is one likely candidate.
While the Gibou Road site is an exceptionally
beautiful one, featuring a pool and a waterfall, it is too far from the population center and the
retired bridge has been the target of vandals.
The bridge was originally built in Montgomery Village
in 1883 by Savanna and Sheldon Jewett and was moved over the South Branch of the Trout River
in 1899 to serve Gibou Road and a tub factory now long gone. The bridge was ultimately
bypassed with a concrete and steel span.
The truss began to fail, probably in the 1950s, and a
jury rig was added to the truss in the form of inverted "Vs" with steel cables attached to a log
slung under the floor.
[*A correction has been made to the above text. An engineer hired by the Historical Society
advised that the bridge would fail under snow load, not "someone from the State Historic
Division". I apologize for the error - Ed.]
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267, jcnelson@together.net
This file posted May 26, 2003, revised August 22, 2003