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Renovation Begun . . . East Fairfield Engineering Study
Renovation Continues on East Fairfield Covered Bridge
East Fairfield, September 4, 2008 - Work continues on East Fairfield's Covered Bridge.
The East Fairfield covered bridge has been removed from over Black Creek. The contractors, Blow & Cote, have disassembled the bridge, stockpiled the components for reuse, and laid out the intact trusses for renovation. The huge I-beams that were used to stabilize the bridge will be removed to the town garage.
For information about the condition of the bridge and the plans for its rehab, click on the Engieering Study above. Also see "Renovation Begun . . ."
The tie beams are taken down in preparation for the removal of the trusses. The tie beams are tagged and will be reinstalled. Photo by Rae Laitres, August 29, 2008 |
The floor is removed exposing the joists, floor beams and "X" bracing. All reuseable "original fabric" will be restored to the bridge. Photo by Rae Laitres, August 29, 2008 |
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 09/07/2008