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Montgomery's Creamery Bridge Rehab (continued)

The east end secondary and bottom chord ends are rotted. These, where there is function, will be replaced with 3 x 10 lumber of equivalent species. The functioning lattice in these areas will be sistered with 3 x 10 lumber of equivalent species. The damaged sections of non-functional chord ends and lattice will be cut off.
Creamery Bridge. Photo by Joe Nelson November 12, 2008
Rot damaged chord and lattice, east end, upstream side.
Creamery Bridge. Photo by Joe Nelson November 12, 2008
Rot damaged chord and lattice, east end, down stream side.
Creamery Bridge. Photo by Joe Nelson November 12, 2008
A view of the lower chords, upstream side, looking east.
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 11/18/2008