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Comstock Bridge Off River - WGN 45-06-04.
East abutment. Note the mould-marks showing that the
wooden bridge itself was used when the cap was cast, leading to rot.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 7, 2003
July, 7, 2003 - The Comstock Bridge has been disassembled and removed from the river.
Its component parts are arrayed in a small meadow at the east end of the bridge site. The trusses
are stacked and ready for repair. The separate pieces were lifted by crane, the trusses were laid
flat, the west ends now pointing east, the bottom chords to the north, down stream truss on
Extensive rot was found at the chord-ends where they
were in contact with the abutments. All four of the end-posts will need to be replaced.
Lifted by crane, the trusses are laid flat, the west ends
now pointing east, the bottom chords to the north, down stream truss on top.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 7, 2003
Three of the recovered tie beam/kingpost/ridge beam supports. Note the
assembly behind had been broken and patched.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 7, 2003
West end of the upstream truss, view of the end-post
and bottom chord. Note extensive rot where bridge met abutments.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 7, 2003
East end of the trusses, view of the end-posts and bottom chords. Note extensive
rot where bridge met abutments.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 7, 2003
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© 2003 Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted July 10, 2003