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Work Continues on Comstock Bridge - WGN
Comstock Bridge
Cutting away distribution beam
Photo by Joe Nelson, June 30, 2003
June 27, 2003 - As is often the case with the covered bridges, there is rot and damage
than cannot be determined until siding and roofing is removed. The Agency of Transportation still
views Comstock as one of the covered bridges that is in reasonably good condition and we believe
that a good amount of the original fabric of the bridge can be retained. The work being done by
Blow and Cote, the contractor for the project, is being monitored carefully by the Resident
Engineer, William Flanders, and Mr. Flanders is keeping the Structures Section posted on the
progress of the work.
The roof system will be disassembled and the trusses
will be moved, one at a time, to a working area. The lower bottom chords are to be removed to
allow full inspection of the lower ends of the lattice members, and at that time the final decisions
will be made as to which lattice members will need to be replaced. Any of the existing lower
bottom chord members that are in reasonable condition will be reinstalled, and those portions,
notably at the bearing areas, where there is significant rot will be replaced.
The original plan was to salvage most of the roofing
boards, but when the metal and shingle material was removed many of the roofing boards were
found to be so rotten that they were unable to support the weight of the workers. Any of the roof
boards that are safe for reuse will be reused.
Warren Tripp - VT Agency of Transportation
Comstock Bridge
View of truss and abutment.
Photo by Joe Nelson, June 30, 2003
Comstock Bridge
Flooring stripped, deck beams exposed.
Photo by Joe Nelson, June 30, 2003
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© 2003 Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted July 1, 2003