Canyon Bridge Rehab - New Roof System Nears
Jeffersonville, September 07, 2004 - The last of the tie-beams, x-braces, and ridge
pole sections are made ready while the rafters are being installed at the other end of the bridge.
The roofers will nailed on over the rafters, hopefully by the end of the week, said foreman Nathan
Assembling tie-beams and fabricating ridge pole
section. Photo by Joe Nelson,
Sept.1, 2004
A mortice begun in error on a tie beam by an old-time bridge builder, then
plugged. Discovered by Roland Blais. Photo by Joe
Nelson, Sept.1,2004.
A pair of cross-beams fabricated from floor beams
Photo by
Joe Nelson, Sept.7, 2004
The roofing system is nearing completion. The roofers are expected to be
installed by Friday, Sept. 10.
Photo by Joe Nelson, Sept.7, 2004