Canyon Bridge Rehab - First Truss Returned to
Jeffersonville, July14, 2004 - The repairs completed, the downstream truss was
moved by crane back into position over the Brewster River.
Repairs can now begin on the upstream truss.
Nathan Cote, Blow & Cote foreman, walks the truss
checking the lift-rigging. Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14, 2004
All is clear; the lift begins.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14,
The truss stands upright, truss members are checked
for alignment.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14, 2004
Roland Blaise reseats diagonal braces and kick-braces misaligned during lift.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14, 2004
David Morrell and Roland Blaise help guide the
suspended truss through the work area.
Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14,
The truss rises high over the Brewster River. Note the "in kind" replacement
members. Most of the original fabric remains in the truss. Photo by Joe Nelson, July 14,
The truss is back in position on the abutments, standing
on new bed timbers. It will be held in place with steel cables awaiting the second truss. Photo
by Joe Nelson, July 14, 2004
Roland Blaise releases the mid-span guying cables.
Photo by Joe
Nelson, July 14, 2004