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Fall 2007


Hectorville Bridge Update    The Windsor, VT/Cornish, NH Covered Bridge - A Look Back
Covered Bridge Community News Notes    Covered Bridge Fiction or Fact - Trusses    We Have Books
Membership Column    President's Column
Events    POW/MIA Network

Hectorville Covered Bridge Update [WGN VT-06-06]
by Joe Nelson

Hectorville Bridge. photo by Scott Perry, August 2003
Hectorville Bridge.
photo by Scott Perry, August 2003

Montgomery, VT, August 21, 2007 - "The status of the bridge is unchanged," wrote Scott Perry, Montgomery selectman. "[It's] still in storage with hopes to reconstruct it at the site of our new municipal water plant."
     "The good news is that the final phase of the water project is now underway after a few delays, and we should be on line by March of 08. I'm not sure, but we may try to move the bridge, which is bundled or palletized, to the site in the late fall or early winter once the ground freezes. Thanks for your interest and offer of financial help," Scott wrote in an email answering Joe Nelson's request for status.
     The project status can be viewed through the town web site at http://www.vermont-towns.org/montgomery/.
     In October, 2002, the Montgomery Historical Society and the town selectboard, on the advice of a consultant hired to inspect the bridge, took it down to prevent it from collapsing into the gorge over winter. The bridge was dis-assembled and stored in the yard of the St. Onge Construction Co. A group of townspeople has been charged by the Selectboard to recommend where the bridge should ultimately be placed and provide a cost estimate for the project.
     The Vermont Covered Bridge Society at the October 25, 2003 Annual Business passed a motion to authorize $500 toward the restoration of the Hectorville Bridge made and seconded by Rae Laitres and Marge Converse, respectively. The VCBS Board of Directors approved the initiative made by the membership and increased the pledge to $1000, the pledge to be paid when the plans for the placement of the bridge are completed.
     The bridge was originally built in Montgomery Village in 1883 by Savanna and Sheldon Jewett and was moved over the South Branch of the Trout River in 1899 to serve Gibou Road and a tub factory. The bridge was ultimately bypassed with a concrete and steel span. The truss began to fail, probably in the 1950s, and a jury rig was added to the truss in the form of inverted "Vs" with steel cables attached to a log slung under the floor.

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The Windsor, VT/Cornish, NH Covered Bridge
A Look Back . . . .

by Margaret Foster*

Cornish/Windsor Bridge 29-10-09/45-14-14 
Photo from CRVSCBS Bulletin 
Un-attributed, undated
Cornish/Windsor Bridge 29-10-09/45-14-14
Photo from CRVSCBS Bulletin
Un-attributed, undated

     Until 1943 the Windsor - Cornish covered bridge was the last covered TOLL bridge over the Connecticut River. On June 1st of that year, it was made free, the State of N. H. having purchased it from the holding company in 1935 for the sum of $10,000. As gasoline became scarcer and scarcer the state discovered that it was spending more to collect tolls for passage than tolls were returning in income. Since the cost had already been cleared, plus the cost of maintenance, it was decided to "free" the bridge. This was done with elaborate and appropriate ceremonies.
     The old bridge was built in 1866 - the fourth on this site and the second to be a covered structure. The other three bridges were carried away in "spring freshets". The center pier has a jog which shows how much lower were these than the present bridge. This higher [bridge] has stood in spite of 7 inches of water flowing thru it at the time of the 1927 flood. A bit of the eastern approach was washed out at this time. Had the flood lasted longer, the bridge would have gone. Again on March 6th and 7th of this year (1964) the bridge was threatened by great chunks of ice which came down from the White River. These milled about with considerable force and nearly reached the floor of the bridge.
     The collection of tolls makes an interesting study. Until the railroad came, about 1850, all livestock for the Boston market was driven on foot. This provided a good source of income. Cattle at 2 cents a head, and sheep at one-half cent does not sound like much, but in 1838, one of the best years, toll was paid on 14048 sheep and 2208 cattle. There were also several coaches a day, and these provided a steady income.
     The gate was a distinguishing feature. It suggested a guillotine. Control was by a rope from the toll house porch. The story is told of a gatekeeper who used his spare time knitting, as many men did in those times. One day a woman decided the tolls were too high and she was not paying them. She lashed her horse and attempted to run the bridge. The gatekeeper reached for the rope and the gate came down between the horse and the buggy. The frightened horse did his best to kick it into bits. The woman finally paid her toll and the cost of repairing the gate. The keeper never missed a stitch!
     Tolls were always a point of dissension. Toll rates for individual crossings were set by the charter, but the keepers had much leeway. Several of them set up rates for families who used the bridge often. This was a convenience for both the patrons and the collectors. Since there was no set rule, much depended on the relationship between the toll taker and the toll giver.
     The charter set the toll for a foot passenger at 2 cents. However, the story is told that when Windsor was "dry" and Cornish was "wet", the keeper charged 2 cents to leave Windsor, and 3 cents to return, both to be paid on leaving Windsor. Presumably he had had experience with patrons who had left all their cash in Cornish.
     Do you remember crossing a covered bridge when you were young? They were known to children as "wishing" bridges. You were supposed to shut your eyes and make a wish as you entered and to keep your eyes closed until you came out at the other end. If you could do this you would get your wish. Of course other youngsters tried to make you open your eyes by saying such things as, "See the elephant".
     Many covered bridges were known as "kissing" bridges and the Windsor-Cornish span is no exception. The old saying goes, "If the bridge is long enough, and the horse is slow enough, and the girl is willing enough, a chap should get four". And doubtless he would have in this structure - the longest covered bridge in New England.
     There is an interesting law suit concerning this bridge. Since the charter was granted before the days of automobiles, no rate was set up for this form of transportation. A motorist ran up a sizeable bill and refused to pay it, claiming it was illegal to charge for autos, there being no rate prescribed in the charter. A decision in a similar case brought in New York State found for the motorist. In Vermont a comparable decision was on record and was based on the New York case. However this was tried in New Hampshire and the motorist lost. As a result of this case, legal rates were set up for cars.
     Many people do not realize that the dividing line between Vermont and New Hampshire is the low water mark on the western, or Vermont side of the river, This means that New Hampshire owns most of the bridges over the Connecticut, though it has been reported that in some cases Vermont has to pay the cost of building and maintaining the bridges to the state line. This explains why the above case was tried in New Hampshire.
     The toll records are an interesting study. They tell of a group crossing the bridge in 1831 for the purpose of "wolf hunting". One wonders if they were successful. The records also show that Lafayette crossed here in 1825. President Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson also used this crossing. Many of these did not use the present bridge, of course.
     James F. Tasker, builder of the Windsor-Cornish Bridge could neither read nor write. He left no records or account books to help us with his life story. He is reputed to have built many of the covered bridges in these parts, including the recently repaired Meriden Bridge and several in West Windsor, Weathers field, Cornish, Plainfield and Windsor. He had heavy, black, bushy eyebrows and a black beard, and was evidently a very stern man. The neighborhood children were afraid of him.
     Valley residents differ in their feelings towards the old bridge. A few are sentimental and would like to keep it. More would be glad to see it replaced by a modern span. Perhaps a compromise could be reached -- a new bridge for the traveling public but the old bridge kept as an example of old time living. It will be 100 years old next year and it is to be hoped that New Hampshire will give the old bridge a birthday party. It certainly deserves this much attention for the many years it has served so faithfully.
[*This article was taken with permission from the Fall, 1964 issue of the Connecticut River Valley Covered Bridge Society Bulletin, official publication of that society - Ed.].

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Beaverkill Bridge on NY State Register
by Trish Kane

August 30, 2007 - As some of you may be aware, Sullivan County, NY has three historic covered bridges eligible for listing on the State and National Register of Historic Places. Being listed is an honor and provides some level of protection for our bridges.
     We are pleased to report that the NY State Review Board has now listed the Beaverkill Covered Bridge -- NY-53-02 on the State Register of Historic Places. They will now forward the nomination to the Keeper of the National Register in Washington, DC. If approved, the property will be listed on the National Register as well.
     It has been our experience working with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation that if a bridge is accepted on the state level, if will more than likely be accepted at the National level as well.
     This is great news not only for the Beaverkill Covered Bridge, but for all of us working so diligently to preserve our bridges. The Friends of the Beaverkill group should be commended for all their hard efforts. Congratulations to each of them on this successful endeavor.

Pennsylvania State Legislator Wants
Penalties Stiffened Historic Structure Arson

Bucks County, Pa., June 28, 2007 - State Rep. Paul Clymer (R-Bucks) has introduced legislation to increase penalties for those who set fire to a historic structures in Pennsylvania.
     "In Bucks County last month, one of our treasured covered bridges was set on fire in Springfield Township," said Clymer. "Fortunately, the blaze extinguished on its own before severe damage was incurred. However, because of the historic significance of the bridge, as well as other historic structures, I think increased penalties are needed to deter such crime."
     The proposed legislation states that any person intending to damage or destroy a historic resource belonging to another would be guilty of a second-degree felony and receive a mandatory prison term of no less than one year.
     An historic resource is defined as a building or structure, including a covered bridge, which has either been in existence for more than 100 years or is listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places.
     House Bill 1607 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

Gala Washington County
Covered Bridge Reopening Celebration

by Dave Guay

Eagleville Bridge 32-58-01, 
Photo by David Guay, August 4, 2007
Eagleville Bridge 32-58-01,
Photo by David Guay, August 4, 2007

On Aug. 4, 2007, the Washington County Covered Bridge Advisory Committee held a Gala Re-Opening Celebration to officially re-open the Rexleigh CB (NY-58-03), Eagleville CB (NY-58-01) and Buskirk CB (NY-58-04 & NY-42-02).
     Buskirk was dedicated first with much fanfare with the Cambridge Band on hand to play some rousing marches and the Star-Spangled Banner. Many dignitaries were on hand to give speeches and to laud those responsible for this event, which were many. A group of Irish dancers performed for all assembled. After the ribbon cutting ceremonies, vintage cars, trucks & even a motorcycle with a sidecar on it went through the bridges. This was also done at the other bridges being dedicated that day.
     Also, you could stop by the Shushan CB (NY-58-02) to visit the museum, and sample some freshly made potato chips that were made by hand with a vintage potato chip making machine that is on display in the museum.
     After all the dedications were finished, all were invited to come to the "Old County Courthouse" in the village of Salem, NY for some live music, art vendors, raffles and to purchase some commemorative t-shirts and a book written by Robert G. McIntosh titled, "The Covered Bridges of Washington County, N.Y." and covered bridge memorabilia being sold by the N.Y.S.C.B.S., and free ice cream (donations gratefully accepted of course).
     The weather was perfect and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The Washington County Covered Bridge Advisory Committee should be very proud of the dedication ceremonies.

Quebec's Gareau Bridge Lost
by Gerald Arbour

Gareau Bridge, 61-46-01. Photo by Monique Bellemarre
Gareau Bridge, 61-46-01,
Photo by Monique Bellemarre

August 6, 2007 - The Gareau Bridge, (61-46-01), is on its way to being torn down. Recent pictures indicate the span has already been moved to the ground.
     A few years ago, this private bridge was offered free to anyone willing to take care of the bridge. The Nexfor Co. (a paper company) is the owner of the bridge.
     An agreement was quickly reached between local government, VTT club and outfitters to save the bridge. Unfortunately, the Company changed their minds and the bridge will be destroyed. A nice piece of history will be lost.

Reconstruction of Mood Bridge to begin in July

East Rockhill, Pa., July 5, 2007 - Blooming Glen Road was closed starting July 2 and will remain closed until late November as PennDOT begins construction to rebuild Mood's Covered Bridge in East Rockhill Township, Bucks County.
     During the road closure, Blooming Glen Road through traffic will be detoured over Branch Road, Walnut Street and 5th Street.
     Three years ago, Mood's Covered Bridge was destroyed by arson. While the fire totally destroyed the covered bridge trusses, roof, and siding, the self-supporting roadway remained serviceable. The bridge was reopened to traffic in August, 2004.
     A replication of the original span will be built with $732,796 in funds provided by the state. The bridge deck will be replaced and the supporting steel beams repainted. The new structure will be modified to provide more height clearance and fire regardant will be applied. The covered bridge will be 14 feet wide and 120 feet long .
     When construction is completed, Bucks County will take ownership and East Rockhill Township will insure the bridge. Approximately 2,000 vehicles use the bridge daily. Lycoming Supply, Inc. of Williamsport, Pa. is the general contractor for the project.
     PennDOT had rehabed the bridge in 1997 replacing the original bridge floor with a self-supporting deck structure on steel beams. The covered bridge portion of the structure was refurbished with modern materials, the work done by contractor Lycoming Supply. The contractor will use the same specifications for the new bridge.
     According to the Word Guide to Covered Bridges published by the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Moods bridge was built in 1873 using the Town truss to cross the East Branch of Perkiomen Creek in one 126-foot span.

Springfield Township to Protect Knecht's Bridge
[WGN 38-09-02]

Knecht's Bridge, 38-09-02. 
Photo by R. Johnson, 1996
Knecht's Bridge, 38-09-02. Photo by R. Johnson, 1996

Bucks County, Pa., June 26, 2007 - The Springfield Township Board of Supervisors passed a resolution that Knecht's Covered Bridge is recognized as ". . . a high value asset and symbolic of Springfield's rural character . . .." calling for Bucks County to take steps to protect the bridge.
     The board's resolution asks the county for assistance with the installation of fire detection and surveillance equipment at the bridge, in acquiring grants and inclusion in the 2008 National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program. The board also asked elected officials to elevate Knecht's Bridge as an "extraordinarily high risk historic property."
     The resolution acknowledged the elected officials who introduced House Bill 1607, calling for stiff penalties for those commit arson on historic structures in Pennsylvania. The bill states that any person who intentionally starts a fire or explosion to destroy or damage a historic resource, or aids another party to do so, will be committing a second degree felony.
     Bucks County has been the home of twelve covered bridges and a unique boxed pony wooden bridge. Arsonists have attempted to burn Knecht's Bridge twice in the past 26 months. Bucks County has lost three covered bridges to intentionally set fires:
Haupt's Mill Bridge, WGN 38-09-01, a 107-foot town truss span built in 1872 to cross Durham Creek near Springfield, destroyed 1985 and not rebuilt; Mood's Bridge, WGN 38-0907, was burned in 2004 and is now being rebuilt, a 126-foot Town truss span built in 1873 to cross Mood Creek East Rockhill; The Schofield Ford or Twining Ford Covered Bridge, now located in Tyler State Park, WGN 38-09-13, 166 feet long in two spans, one queen post truss, one Town truss, to cross Neshaminy Creek was arsoned in 1991 and rebuilt in 1997.
[Our thanks to Doris Taylor for sharing this, and the other Pennsylvania news items - Ed.]

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CB Fiction or Fact Logo

Question # 4 -- Why are so many different truss types used in Covered Bridge construction?

John Weaver, VT
Many types of trusses were used in covered bridge construction -- Paddleford, Haupt, Howe, Long, plank (Town) lattice, kingpost, queenpost and Pratt trusses as well as Burr arch spans and combinations of these forenamed types. Several factors influence the final type of truss constructed, including material availability, span length, and level of craftsmanship required.
     Bridge spans up to 30 feet were often made with kingpost trusses, spans 30-60 feet with queenpost trusses, and spans of greater lengths with the remaining truss types or combinations of truss/arch systems. These types of trusses and combined systems perform well for the span lengths indicated.
     Concerning craftsmanship -- plank lattice trusses are, by connections and configuration easier to fabricate than other types of trusses or combined systems which have complex joinery and sizable timber members.
     Material availability often plays a role in truss type determination. If sizable structural timbers were not readily available, then sawn planks may have been easily obtained from local lumber mills. Probably, craftsmanship and material availability influenced the great number (approximately 40% of today's existing covered bridges) of plank lattice trusses in Vermont.

Joseph Conwill, ME
1. Necessity: Certain trusses such as the Queenpost are more limited as to span length; others are difficult to frame well.
2. Sociology of invention: I hope this doesn't sound overly professor-ish. But, when a technology is perceived as cutting- edge, this invites a host of inventors to try out their skills on it. Much of the variety in bridge trusses may be explained simply by this. What real purpose was served by the Brown truss, for example? Or the Partridge truss?
3. Regional preference. Once a particular style demonstrated its usefulness, other builders in the same area tended to keep with it. The Paddleford truss is an example of a regional style, and so is the New Brunswick strutted-Burr truss. There is no reason why Town or Burr trusses couldn't have been used in place of the Paddleford; or Howe trusses in place of the New Brunswick strutted-Burr. But in those cases, regional preference sometimes favored the more unusual style. This too has enriched our heritage of truss types.

Robert Durfee, P.E. -- NH
I would say that the truss type used for a particular Covered Bridge was dependent on the builders preference, cost, availability of skilled labor, span length, and patent considerations.
     Truss types commonly used in New England Covered Bridges include: Town Lattice, Howe, Long, Paddleford, Burr (Arch), Pratt, and Queenpost.
     Most of these truss types (except Queenpost and Paddleford) were protected by patents. The truss designer collected royalties from anyone who used his truss on a bridge. Patent rights lasted for 20 years, after which, anyone could use that truss type without paying royalties. To avoid paying royalties, the builder may have used a truss that had no patent, an expired patent, or developed his own unique truss type. Some early truss patents includes Theodore Burrs patent of his arch truss in 1817, and Ithiel Town's patent of the lattice truss in 1820 and later in 1835.
     Some trusses required more skilled labor (bridge wrights with timber joinery skills) than others. Town lattice trusses were said to require the least amount of skilled labor, since the joints are simple wood trunnel (peg) connections. On the other hand, the Burr Arch and Paddleford trusses have intricate connections (mortise and tenon, rabbet and scarf joints, etc.), requiring a lot of joinery, and thus needed skilled bridge wrights.
     We know that several local bridge builders in New England built more than one bridge. Builders seemed to stayed with the one truss type they were comfortable with, or had experience with (i.e. builders preference).
     For shorter bridge spans, up to about 60 feet, the Queenpost was applicable and economical. For longer spans, the Town Lattice was expandable to long lengths and multiple spans. The Howe and Pratt truss were known to be able to support heavy loads, and were used on early railroad bridges.
     With all these considerations, I can understand why so many different truss types were used. Each bridge site had different conditions and considerations of which truss to use. The book "Covered Bridges of Vermont" by Ed Barna, has a good discussion on the development of bridge designers/builders in New England and the trusses they developed. Also, the poster "Trusses", by the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER No. T1-1) offers a good display of the many truss types used for bridges, providing information on when these trusses were developed, and the typical span length they could support.

Phil Pierce, P.E. - NY
I do not claim to be much of a historian, but I do have a lot of experience with bridges and quite a bit of experience with covered bridges. So here goes from that perspective:
     There are some 16 configurations of trusses used to support extant covered bridges, plus some variations thereon. Many of the configurations were developed in the early part of the 19th century, prior to the development of rigorous analysis concepts for trusses. I believe that some "new" configurations were developed by builders experimenting with variations of previously developed and published configurations to take advantage of a perceived improvement in strength and/or constructability. Certainly some builders would simply be unaware of the developments of others and may have developed something slightly different on their own without specifically attempting to improve other's work (while many of the prominent builders of that time were well versed in their craft, publications were somewhat limited, certainly dissemination of the information was not as convenient as we are used to now). Also, some of the configurations were developed to take advantage of new materials as they became more readily available -- e.g. Howe's combination of wrought iron with timber over Long's all timber truss. In another vein, some early truss developers were shrewd business people who realized that getting a patent on a new configuration might be financially advantageous, regardless of its popularity.
     In a way, the evolution of truss development is similar to the continuing evolution of bridge engineering forever challenged to look for new ways to use "state-of-the-art" materials, knowledge, and experience to better serve society's need to cross waterways. More recently (in fact, in just the relatively short span of my professional career), the bridge industry has developed and significantly improved/modified cable-stayed bridges.

Sylvain Raymond (ATAWALK) Canada
1- Because everyone of these truss-inventors thought they had the best, most sophisticated design.
2- Because the patents would bring money...and if a truss was adopted by, let's say, a railroad company, that would bring in tons of money!
3- Because depending on location, different wood essences could be used... in greater or lesser number depending on durability, permeability and availability.
4- Because some trusses are better for shorter spans, some others can be used for longer bridges.
5- Because of the availability of specialized labor, it does play a role in which structure can be erected and where. It is a lot simpler to erect a Town lattice truss than a Burr Arch which needs a bigger foundation to start with!
6- Because of funding available... which when all is said and done, would basically dictate how much could be spent and on what, the King post truss being el-cheapo... different trusses where indeed needed to respond to the many varying needs of the areas where bridges had to be erected.
7- AND FINALLY because it would make covered bridges a fascinating and varied structure to study!

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Book Logo

We Have Books

     A lot of them, fifty plus titles on covered bridges, authored by Richard Sanders Allen, H.W. Congdon, Eric Sloan, E.W. Walker, H.R. Howard, and many others. All of these books were donated to the Vermont Covered Bridge Society by members or by the descendants of covered bridge fans. They were given to us not for storage, but for sharing.
     The question is, what should we do with these books? We could sell them and put the profits into the Save-a-bridge fund; or we can make the books available to members through a reference library.
     Because the mission of the VCBS is to document and preserve the history of our covered bridges, the question of the disposition of the books will be presented at the next meeting of the VCBS Board of Directors. It will be extremely helpful to the board if the membership will make their wishes known.
     If you would like a listing of the book titles please contact me, Joe Nelson, P.O. Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465. or email jcnelson@together.net.
     If you want to volunteer to take custody of the books and act as librarian/curator, please contact me. Joe Nelson, Chair, VCBS Board of Directors.

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Membership Logo

The leaves are beginning to turn in New England. I can't believe summer is almost over! I hope you are able to get out and get some photographs of our bridges during the next couple of months. It is a spectacular time of year to photograph our bridges.

     Please join me in welcoming the following new members to our group.

-Lauren Peltonen from Tunbridge, VT,
-Christopher Krag from Shelburne, VT,
-Henry Johnson from Hinesburg, VT, and,
-Glenn Hall from Kingston, Ontario
A warm Vermont welcome to each of you!

2008 Early Renewal Contest
We are pleased to be able to once again offer our Early Renewal Contest. This contest has been a huge success in the past and really helps the Society in many ways. Paying your membership fees before the December 31 deadline not only qualifies you for a chance to win a nice gift, but saves the society additional postage expense having to send reminders that your dues are due. Here are the prizes for this year's contest: One year free membership to the VCBS; a copy of New England's Covered Bridges by Ben & June Evans; or a signed copy of Spanning Time, Vermont's Covered Bridges by Joe Nelson.

To be eligible for this year's contest, there are two things you need to do:
1) *Pay your membership dues before December 31, 2007. That's the key! (Please note that if your 2008 membership has been paid in advance of this date, or if you are a life member, your name will automatically be entered into the drawing.)
2) Complete the membership form in this issue of the newsletter and return it with your check made payable to the VCBS no later than December 31st. The mailing address is: VCBS, PO Box 97, Jeffersonville, VT 05464-0097.
     Your name will then be entered in the drawing for one of the three lovely prizes mentioned above. Keep in mind that only memberships paid by December 31st are eligible for this contest. Don't wait until you get so busy with the holidays that you forget to send in your membership dues as you will miss out on some nice gifts. Do it today while you are thinking about it. Winners will be announced in the winter issue of our newsletter.
      *To save you time, you might like to consider paying your membership fee for two years, instead of one. Or, think about joining one of our special Giving Societies mentioned on the form. Your support is so important to the preservation work of the Society.
Happy autumn everyone!

Trish Kane
Membership Coordinator

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries::

4    Don & Pauline Prideaux
4    Johnny Esau
5    Robert Salvi
9    Tom Walczak
10    Gordon & Priscilla O'Reilly
15    Lou & Mary Zabbia
17    Doris Taylor
17    Euclid & Priscilla Farnham
21    Wilfred Thompson
29    June Evans

7    Conrad & Dorothy Nagengast
9    Erwin & Virginia Eckson
11    Trish Kane
13    Mary Phillips Hyde
18    Leo Fleury
20    Phil Pierce
21    John & Joanne Billie
22    Ellen Everitz
28    Joyce Soroka

6    Kathy Knight
13    Bruce Wagner
15    Linda Crouse
18    Euclid Farnham
18    Bob and Mary Ann Waller
22    Marikka Guay

Please note: If you would like your birthday or anniversary listed, please send me an email with the dates: bobtrish68@frontiernet.net

Notice Logo

Special Notice to our Members . . .
If you are like many of us, you belong to many covered bridge organizations and have probably accumulated a drawer full of membership cards. Although they do indicate you are a member of a specific society, quite honestly, we have never once actually used any of our membership cards. It costs the Vermont Covered Bridge Society a substantial sum to mail these cards, even more so with the recent increase in postage. We feel these costs could be better utilized in other areas of covered bridge preservation and thus, have opted to discontinue sending membership cards to our members. However, we will be more than happy to send you one if you specifically request one. We hope you can appreciate and understand this change in our policy.

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President's Logo

Dear Members:

I received some excellent bridge-watch inspection reports this year regarding the Thetford, Jeffersonville and Rockingham- Grafton areas covered bridges - keep up the good work. Spring and fall are the best times to do inspections - without foliage cover to hinder view.

Lots of covered bridge rehabilitation projects are going on or just completed - Brattleboro Creamery CB, Troy River Road CB, Shoreham RRCB, Thetford Sayres CB, Weathersfield (Downers) CB, and the Cedar Swamp CB in Cornwall to name some locations.

I am looking forward to a productive VCBS fall (October) meeting in Northfield Falls - the location of three sequential covered bridges. Hope to see you all there.

Yours in bridging,

John Weaver, President, VCBS

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Events Logo

VCBS Annual Fall Meeting
by Johnny Esau,
Events Committee Chair

The 8th annual Autumn meeting of the VCBS will be held Saturday, October 13 in the basement of St. John's RC Parish Hall at 206 Vine Street in Northfield, Vt. The doors will be open at 9 a.m. for setup. A brief business meeting will be convened at 10 a.m.
     At 11 a.m. Jan Lewandoski, covered bridge restorer and builder will speak.
     At 12 pm we will break for lunch. Attendees may bring their own lunch, order sandwiches from DeFelice's Sandwich Shop & Café (there will be a menu at the door), or try Northfield's restaurants listed below. There will be a drawing for prizes.
     At 1 p.m. we will adjourn to tour the area covered bridges.

• The refreshment and Memorabilia sale Tables will be open during the meeting.
• Members are free to bring items for sale or swap
• All are welcome

Local Restaurants DeFelice's Sandwich Shop & Café, 7 S Main St , Northfield,
VT 05663, (802) 485-4700
Depot Square , 40 Depot Sq., Northfield, VT 05663,
(802) 485-5500
China Star, 15 N Main St., Northfield, VT 05663,
(802) 4859433

Hotels, Inns, Motels in or near Northfield
Margaret Holland Inn 128 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663
(802) 485-9202, (802) 485-9043, margarethollandinn.com

The Woods at Wihakowi, Camp Wihakowi Road, 900 Bull
Run Road, Northfield, VT 05663
(877) 966-3588, (802) 485-9588, (802) 279-3992 - Mobile;

Comfort Inn & Suites at Maplewood, 213 Paine Turnpike
N. Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 229-2222, choicehotels.com

Northfield, Vt.
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MIA Logo

     The goals of our organization is the return of all LIVE American POW/MIAs, repatriation of the remains of those who have died, and explanations for cases where the two options do not exist.
     Great attention is paid to maintaining physical reminders of the issue's continued significance. The international logo's appearance on flags, pins, decals, articles of clothing, and accessories bolsters awareness. Wearing POW/MIA bracelets honors those individuals who still wait and evokes conversations on the issue.
     We are involved in presentations with schools, veterans' organizations, and through a broad spectrum of events allowing us to convey our concerns to the public. We are involved in the legislative process, as we attempt to provide protection for those who serve our Country, and for their families and loved ones should loss occur. We attempt to address the needs of families and returned POW/MIAs, and assist in coordinating activities with associated groups and promoting information flow.
     We are a volunteer organization, veterans and non-veterans, using awareness, communication, education, legislation, and compassion to assuage the pain associated with one of the most devastating outcomes of service to one's Country. As we honor POW/MIAs, returned and still waiting to come home, we aggressively pursue means to return the missing and protect those serving.
     Don Amorosi, NY Chair Vets Serving Vets 1-518-792-2057

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file created 09/09/2007