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The Willard Covered Bridge
North Hartland, VT
WGN Number: 45-14-02
Willard Covered Bridge
Willard Covered Bridge
Photo by Joe Nelson © 1997

This view of the Willard Bridge was taken from the bed of the Ottauquechee River below the woolens factory dam. The wooden cribbing used to retain the mill pond can be seen atop the bedrock escarpment.

Willard Covered Bridge Vital Statistics
Town: North Hartland
Location: Mill Street
Crossing: Ottauquechee River
Date: c. 1919
Builder: Unknown
Truss Type: Plank-lattice
Truss Length: 123 feet 5 inches
Credits: All pictures, information and descriptions are taken from Spanning Time Vermont's Covered Bridges by Joseph C. Nelson ©1997 and the World Guide to Covered Bridges - 1989
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267 This file posted 03/07/2014

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