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The Downers Covered Bridge
Weathersfield, VT
WGN Number: 45-14-08
Downers Covered Bridge
Downers Covered Bridge
Photo by Joe Nelson © 1997

Downers Bridge stands high over the Black River. It is worthwhile to take a walk down to the river's edge, where the abutments can be viewed. Notice the foundations along the river bank.

Downers Covered Bridge Vital Statistics
Town: Weathersfield
Location: Upper Falls Road
Crossing: Black River
Date: c. 1840
Builder: James Tasker
Truss Type: Plank-lattice
Truss Length: 121 feet 5 inches
Credits: All pictures, information and descriptions are taken from Spanning Time Vermont's Covered Bridges by Joseph C. Nelson ©1997 and the World Guide to Covered Bridges - 1989
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267 This file posted 03/07/2014

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